Referee Miles-

Region 462 is incredibly grateful to all of our volunteers, especially our Referees! To show our appreciation, we offer our popular and unique "Referee Miles" program to every one of our certified Referees! What makes this different from other regions, is that you get to pick your own reward! Whether you're a Referee, Coach, or Player, there is something for you!

Here's how it works: Every game you ref is eligible for a certain number of referee miles. Your referee miles are calculated through one of two seasons, and you can use them to "purchase" items through the catalog. One order for ref miles rewards will be placed mid-season and the other after Jurupa Cup. Miles can only be accumulated in a membership year (Fall and Spring) and are non-transferable. Mileage starts new with each Fall Season.

U16-U19 Games:

Center- 5 Miles

AR-4 Miles

U14 Games:

Center- 4 Miles

AR-3 Miles

U10-U12 Games:

Center- 3 Miles

AR- 2 Miles

U8 Games:

Center- 1 Mile

You can view the reward brochure here

Weekly Drawing-

Once a week we will have a drawing for either movie tickets, restaurant gift cards, referee gear, and other fun items. Your name will be entered in the drawing each week you referee a game. One entry per game. So if you do 3 games, you get 3 entries in that weeks drawing! You can accrue entries starting Monday, and ending Sunday from AYSO 462 games only.